Wednesday, January 4, 2012

sew IId...

i made the 25-patch blocks (i decided to make it 8x7 = 56 blocks...and here they are - all 56! (i am glad i reduced the number)

looks like a mess, huh? but they are really all there, i swear : )

details of one block:

now: for the 9-patch blocks - i have 23 done of the 42 that i need and i still do not know what i will use for the between-the-blocks has to be tone-on-tone or something subtle like that - i just have not taken the time to search the stash for something appropriate...gotta' finish the 9-patch blocks first : )

i still think the 2" squares are having "fun" and multiplying when i am not looking - i have decided to put them away for a bit and focus on school-related stuff for a while...on that note, check back tomorrow (or some time soon) and you will see the update on the sewing for school project...i have a few electrons to make still, but it is progressing well - but i need more *stuff* (bells and snaps) to make the additional atoms - but i will work on those later (like over the summer, if this works out the way i am hoping it will) i am just happy to have one set for now and we shall see... : )

oh! i went to see the girl with the dragon tattoo and it was *very* like the book - complete with uncomfortable sex-scenes that were hard to read about and very hard to see...glad i didn't go with my dad or someone like that - though they may enjoy the movie, too, it would have been very awkward to see that with them. if you have not seen it, i would recommend you go and see it while it is still in the big-screen and not wait until it comes out on DVD.

the only problem i had was that there was 20 minutes of advertising and previews before the movie began - it was supposed to start @1:50pm and it ran for ~2:45 - i had to go to the bathroom! and we didn't get out until almost 5:00. i was irritated by all the commercials before the movie (for TV shows, cars, Coke/Diet Coke, etc.). do we not get enough of that at home? i guess one captive audience is as good as another, huh? sigh. i guess that is something i have missed by being poor and not going to see the movies, huh? not missing too much, but i do enjoy seeing some movies in large-scale - Harry Potter would not be the same on my laptop or something like that.

ok! enough rambling - peace and happy new year!

1 comment:

Lori R. said...

Check out Lego Quilts on Unruly Quilting Blog....1 1/2" strips of various lengths .... tempting but even more work than your 25 patch blocks.

the fish girl

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Shallotte, North Carolina, United States

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