wow, this has been an amazing semester...from ice to really hot and some scary weather near-by (knock wood, not here)...and some beautiful flowers so far this spring. the fringe tree (genus: Chionanthus) is fringing : ) we bought a new re-blooming daylily - it is red and very pretty and flowering as we speak. I also acquired some cinder blocks from the property and then we bought some topsoil and mulch and now we have a garden that hopefully will be producing: carrots, beans, nasturtium, lettuce, spinach, and "big boy" and "super sweet" (cherry) tomatoes (yuck, but my sweety likes them, so...). the neighbor has managed to acquire a new kitten : / we are not happy, but we can do nothing but encourage her to get it neutered sooner rather than later. we are not happy, because she does not seem to be concerned with them until she wants them and then if they can't be found, there is some, apparently minor, concern, but she made 0 arrangements for them over the winter, so we had 2 1/2-kitties for the winter...when the temps dropped below 32*F. I guess we may be a bit over-protective, but I just can't stand the idea that we could help and didn't. the cats didn't choose to be outside-only cats...AND they are trying to eat my birds : / I want to discourage that, but I am not sure how to do so, beyond keeping them inside.
photos will follow sometime after I replace the laptop that failed on is now Tuesday, and I am *really* missing it...I am amazed at how dependent we become on technology. oh, did I mention that I am teaching an online class? yeah, that makes it really frustrating to try to communicate when there is limited access...I am currently typing from school and I have to go to work in a few minutes...I keep breathing, applying to jobs, and try to keep myself busy and off the streets : )
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